Tuesday, 28 February 2012

MY 600 LB Life

 On Saturday nigth I  was watching T.V a program called My 600 lb Life, it was really hard to face the people involved, specially women who suffered from obesity, they can't control their appetite and they gain  lots and lots of weight. Emily, since she was a child she was over weight and then she got married and her weight continued to increase very easily and in her earlies 30's she turned her body into 600 pounds and with many health problems such as cholesterol, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis in most her joints, respiratory problems, Emily's breathing was difficult specially during the night. She also had a heart attack, this is when her husband and her decided she need a surgery to reduce her pounds. In 2004 she was operated and her recovery took a month in the hospital with a lot of pain but she lost 234 pounds, unfortunately she continued to gained weight after her first surgery because Emily had bad nutrition.  Finally she was able to undestand what she could and could not eat. Emily started to change her habits, she incorporated more fruit,vegetables and whole grains in her daily diet. Her  weight was 214 pounds when she got pregnant, now she has a daugther and Emily said for her baby she has to take care of her body very carefully. Many people specially in the USA  suffer from this  kind of disease,because they have a disorders in their alimentation. Many people are eating much more they are suppose to and then they are accumulating so much body fat and this is no good for their health. A  person becomes obese when their  food consumption has consisted of carbohydrates, many sweetened drinks, fast food. Also another problem that increase this disease the modern conveniences devices like a video games, computer,T.V ,remote controls all these thinks leading people to have a sedentary lifestyle,some years ago the life was more healthy. People did  many indoors and outdoors activities, they also enjoyed when they walked to the store, but nowadays you don't need to walk for long periods of time, you just get in your car and drive.
Please look out what you eat and what you need to eat ,control your BMI ( Body Max index ).

Tuesday, 21 February 2012


In 2006 in Calgary-Alberta I did my first and last bungee jumping,at the Camp Chief Hector in one of the programs by the YMCA. My friend Nancy invited me to this place for four days and to expend a nice time together. It was a really wonderful place I enjoyed every moment, that place was very beautiful had many accommodation, interesting zone were you can relax and meditate. Outdoors has a variety of different sports like outdoor and indoor swimming pool, low and high ropes, bungee jumping ,climbing tower, and riding horses.I tried each of one ,but the most scary for me was bungee jumping.In this camp they called  this sport, The flying Squirrel were the participant have the opportunity to be lifted into the air on a static rope line, I never screamed like that in my life time I think I could remember all the bad thinks I did and at the same time I promised myself not to do it again.Also during that exhilarating swing experience from a height up to 60 feet  I said many times " Mom I love you in case something happens ". Once when I was on the solid
soil I couldn't  stay  stand up, my legs couldnt support me and all my body was shaking for least 30 minutes I was sitting on the bench probably crying I don't know exactly . Sorry but I don't want to have another experience I know this kind the sports some times for many adults are to demonstrate courage and it's good, but  I have other ways to demonstrate I'm a brave person. If you enjoy doing bungee jumping  keep your bones safe please,don't think the life is perfect that you will make it.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Alejandra was the victim

     My friend Alejandra, lives in Arizona USA. She was a victim of a fraud last year  by a lady who said she had a cleaning company and she was hiring people to clean houses, offices and etc. The lady found Alejandra on the internet when she was looking for a job. She told my friend a wonderful story about her bussines and she offered to Alejandra the position  as manager  of the company in Arizona. My friend was very excited and accepted the offer. After that the lady explained to her what she was going to do. Alejandra needed to start working right away, but she need the stuff to clean and she had to comunicate with the another person who was in another place outside of Arizona and told him to send the materials, that person said ok but I dont have money at this moment to buy the products. Maybe you can send me the money I just need  $500 dollars and I will talk to the manager to send you your money back immediatly.When they finished talking she received another phone call from the lady and she told her that she is sending $ 2000 dollares by check but she will first need to send to the  guy $ 500 but she has to do it now because the clients are waiting for the service.When Alejandra received the check by currier and she had already send the money by money gram to the guy.She went to the bank to deposit that check and the clerk at the bank said this check dosen't have founds sorry. Alejandra was very sad because she borrow the money from her relatives and friends she was deceptioned for this bad moment that she pass.